Glen and I just returned from "A Weekend to Remember" in Atlanta, GA put on by Family Life. We went with our sweet friends Derek and Heather Lee. It was a marriage retreat that provided a chance for us to get away and focus on us...not the kids or the job or the schedule or the demands of others....just us.....Wow...how we needed that....Basically a reminder that we are each perfect gifts to one another from the Father Himself.....that we are not each other's enemy, but each other's other half....to be respected and loved and cherished.....Things you tend to forget about in the crazy race of life....That we are to be each other's #1 priority above EVERYTHING AND EVERYONE ELSE except for GOD...Wow....How hard is that!.....We learned so much about ourselves and each other and God reminded us that it is not enough to learn the information..it must be APPLIED TO OUR LIVES.....What an amazing opportunity to get a "tune up" for our relationship....We desire to be all that God wants us to be for one another and for our boys....We went out to dinnner at the SunDial Restaurant above the Westin Hotel....it turns in a 360 degrees in a circle as you dine...you can see the lights of Atlanta at night and I was overwhelmed at the view....as I gazed out at the lights of Atlanta, God reminded me that He alone can see the "big picture" of my life.....I have the view that is limited to the busy street below, surrounded by skyscrapers that block my view and I can only see what is immediately around me....He, however, has the "Sun Dial" view......He can see all the way ahead, beyond the horizon and what is ahead of me does not take Him by surprise.....that is why I must trust Him and His vision.....not my own.....I am praying that He will help me do a better job of that....Be blessed.....
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