Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Today was Kindergarten registration for Carson and it's really unreal to me that we are already at this place.....as I sat there filling out the mountain of paperwork giving phone numbers, addresses, medical history, etc. and writing the check for over $100 worth of school supplies, class donations, and PTO dues, my mind couldn't help but wander....suddenly I was at St.Vincent's Hospital.....January 27, 2004....delivery room....epidural finally giving me some relief...grammy's on her way....daddy's here....Dr. Edwards is on his way....his heartbeat is strong and steady...contractions are strong and closer together.....my heart is about to beat out of my chest...my heart is overwhelmed....my mind is focused.....my prayers are for Carson's health and mine......could this really be real....could we really have a healthy delivery...will he be ok...will there be any complications....can I really do this?.....then I hear it....the most beautiful sound I had ever heard in my lifetime.....I push...he cries....I cry....Glen cries...Dr. Edwards cries.....EVERYONE CRIES...then the LAUGHTER BEGINS.....all of the pain, anguish, grief, devestation, hopelessness, depression, and fear of the last 4 years just fades away.....at that moment I know that all of heaven must be cheering....especially Noah and Lake at the sight of their little brother and the sound of his strong, sturdy lungs.....it was music to my ears and a balm on my heart....God's faithfulness and all of the promises he had whispered to my heart those days and weeks and months after Noah and Lake had died were finally before me in the form of a squirming, yuck covered, screaming, precious little boy....our sweet angel....Carson Lake....all was right in the world and all that I had dreamed of and begged God for had finally come to fruition.....the gratitude in my heart could not be contained.....nor could my love for that sweet baby be uttered in mere words....as I held him in my arms, I felt like I was holding the reason I was born....wow....fast forward 4 years and lots of mistakes and lessons later....that same sweet little boy, now snaggletoothed with thick brown hair, deep brown eyes, and an propensity for independence and stubborness still melts my heart...and I would still lay my life down for him if asked....and he, along with his little brother, is still my heartbeat and my daily hug from God...he is a reminder that I can't do this on my own without Jesus...I need grace....I need strength from above....and I need wisdom that the world is wholly inadequate to give me.....knowledge may come from books and the world...but wisdom comes from God alone......be blessed today...

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Glen and I just returned from "A Weekend to Remember" in Atlanta, GA put on by Family Life. We went with our sweet friends Derek and Heather Lee. It was a marriage retreat that provided a chance for us to get away and focus on us...not the kids or the job or the schedule or the demands of others....just us.....Wow...how we needed that....Basically a reminder that we are each perfect gifts to one another from the Father Himself.....that we are not each other's enemy, but each other's other half....to be respected and loved and cherished.....Things you tend to forget about in the crazy race of life....That we are to be each other's #1 priority above EVERYTHING AND EVERYONE ELSE except for GOD...Wow....How hard is that!.....We learned so much about ourselves and each other and God reminded us that it is not enough to learn the information..it must be APPLIED TO OUR LIVES.....What an amazing opportunity to get a "tune up" for our relationship....We desire to be all that God wants us to be for one another and for our boys....We went out to dinnner at the SunDial Restaurant above the Westin Hotel....it turns in a 360 degrees in a circle as you dine...you can see the lights of Atlanta at night and I was overwhelmed at the view....as I gazed out at the lights of Atlanta, God reminded me that He alone can see the "big picture" of my life.....I have the view that is limited to the busy street below, surrounded by skyscrapers that block my view and I can only see what is immediately around me....He, however, has the "Sun Dial" view......He can see all the way ahead, beyond the horizon and what is ahead of me does not take Him by surprise.....that is why I must trust Him and His vision.....not my own.....I am praying that He will help me do a better job of that....Be blessed.....

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Well....the pollen has taken over our house and poor Chapman is suffering with his allergies....he was up all night last night with stuffy, runny nose and coughing every breath.....He and Carson both ended up in bed with us and about 4 am he finally went to sleep and so did I....then we were up for swimming lessons for the first time since the summer.....I was so proud of Carson when he swam the whole length of the pool by himself with Miss Becky close by....I am so thankful that he has turned out to be a strong swimmer...He was so proud of himself...that little grin I love broke across his face when he saw me give him a "thumbs up" and I started chanting his name across the entire swimming pool like a crazy woman....that's my boy....then there is Chapman.....my timid, cautious one who is still afraid to float on his back....he did the "starfish" today without screaming and having a complete and utter meltdown....he was so proud of himself, constantly looking my way for approval....both of them saying "Look Mommy" about every 5 seconds....it made me think about our relationship with God.....I know we must all do the same thing....always wanting His approval and to "show off" for Him.....He must get as big of a kick out of watching us as we do watching our kids...after all, we ARE his kids.....He is just as proud of us when we reach our goals, make a good decision, choose to turn from sin instead of to it, show the love of Christ to others, etc. .........after he was done, I swooped Carson up in my arms and gave Him a big hug and told him how proud I was of him and the biggest smile was on his face.....that is what I long for from my Father....for Him to scoop me up in His mighty, gentle arms and give me a big hug and tell me "Well Done".....
what about you?......
Be Blessed.....Brenda

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Today was a busy day preparing for Glen's boss to come in to town tomorrow night....mandatory meeting at the gym....cleaning the house....trying to figure out more stuff on my MAC...getting ready for the MOMS meeting tomorrow....I am exhausted...I am weary....but God is good.....I am working on my website....(hooray)...and hopeful now that I have scheduled a One-on-One appointment at the Apple Store.....we take so much for granted...go through life like we are promised another day....another breath.....I'm thinking of eternity and thanking God for Jesus....He is Risen!

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Today is Saturday...the first one we've been home for in a while....rainy, windy, and full of pollen! But it's been nice to stay home with Glen and the boys....go walking in our neighborhood with my sweet friend, Anneris......working on my pictures and just getting things done without an agenda or a schedule....I need more of these days...so does Glen....he works so hard and with such integrity....I am a so blessed that God has given him such gifts and that he is such an incredible provider for our family....He just returned from the Bahamas all week right on the heels of our 2 1/2 week travel to Louisiana to visit family and then to Orlando for our trip to Universal/ Sea World with our dear friends Chip and Kellie and their kids....What a blessing it was....I wish you could have seen Chapman's little face when he met Spiderman for the first time.....it would have been like my face will be if I ever met Keith Urban...(yes, I have a garantuan crush on him) :-).....don't worry....Glen is aware! Chap was so excited he could hardly pose for the picture....I think Mickey Mouse is the only one who has ever had that effect on him before....At any rate, we met all the X-Men and Captain America.....I must admit that I had my picture made with Capt. America because he was smokin' hot! (Yes, I told Glen! ) It was really fun....Cat in the Hat, Grinch, Scooby & Shaggy, Curious George & The Man With the Yellow Hat.....what a day...Then, of course, we saw Shamu and the show "Believe".....only God Himself could imagine and create such an amazing, beautiful, mysterious creature.....another reason why this body will never be in the ocean above my calves! We had lunch in the restaurant with the live sharks swimming around us (behind the glass of course)....even then they made me nervous.....one of God's creatures I think the world could certainly do without! :-).......We fed the dolphins and petted their bottle noses.....the boys were giggling with glee....what a gift from my Father......treasured memories.....priceless time spent....Of course, Carson decided that he wants to be a dolphin trainer when he grows up which was light years away from being Spiderman and saving the world....knowing him and his stubborn determination, I have no doubt he could be both if he really set his mind to it....(minus the web slinging ablity)....At any rate we are glad to be home....back in reality with dishes to wash, clothes to fold, floors to sweep, and school to attend.....thank God for schedules!
This week I have been reminded through various stories of tragedy and loss how precious life is and how important it is that we be about our Father's business and love the ones we love with abandon.......the families that perished in the plane crash with their sweet children, Chris Greene who died suddenly of a heart attack while sleeping leaving a wife and 3 beautiful children, the lady in our neighborhood with a husband and three children who has been fighting cancer and has just been told there is nothing more they can do....i know that God is aware of all of these lives and how they have been changed forever....I don't understand it nor do I pretend to agree with it....I just know that I want to be found faithful in all I do....It makes me want to give more hugs and kisses...give more grace when it is undeserved or unexpected....give more support even when I am stretched beyond my means.....and ultimately, give God more glory for His faithfulness to me.....Be Blessed today and take a minute to get on your knees and thank Him for what He has done in your life......Brenda

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Welcome to Brown Eyed Boys Photography! I am so excited to be able to provide a place for you to view some of my latest pictures and postings about my family, my business, and my life! Please feel free to leave me a comment about what you think....I am really new at this blogging business so please give me a lot of grace! I hope to have a true web page soon, but for now, this is where I'm gonna hang out.....I hope you will be blessed by the images you see and the words you read....This is God's business....He's just choosing to let me be in charge of it for a while....It is my desire to honor Him in everything I do and say for He is the reason this dream of mine is coming true....I am a work in progress, but the great news is...He is in control! So......thanks for visiting my site and I hope to hear from you soon!
Be Blessed....